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Social Skills Therapist | Anxiety Reduction | ADHD Coaching

Jenn Bulka, M.A. SLP Calif Therapist License 14,006  | Redwood City


156 Elwood St. Casita

Redwood City, Ca 

(Near Sequoia High & Old Navy)

About Us & Contact

156 Elwood St, "Casita" Redwood City, CA 94062

6 5 0 - 6 7 8 - 9 7 6 9 (please email, not phone for appointments. Tku)



Southbound 101 From Whipple
First stop light is WHIPPLE. Go through stop light to second stop light "BREWSTER" TURN RIGHT.

Northbound 101 From Whipple
If you are Northbound, exit Whipple, turn left (West.) Immediately get into left lane; you will be making a left turn at the next light:Veterans but it is not clearly marked. Go to the next stop light and TURN RIGHT ON BREWSTER.
Go past El Camino to Elwood St, TURN RIGHT and look for 156 (Native garden design/Craftsmen houe). Ring the gate doorbell and or call the number above. The office is in the Casita with the red door straight to back of the propertly. Watch out for a little (12 lbs.) "Houdini" allergy free dog. (Please lmk if your kiddo is scared of dogs.)



For an application, please send an email to


Available Positions: Speech/Language Pathologists with a passion for children who need help with Social-Cognitive issues. Contact




Jennifer Abbott Bulka, M.A., SLP-CCC License #14006, is a specialist in Asperger's (now "High Functioning Autism") NLD (difficulty reading nonverbal communication), ADHD and Executive Function (logistical and cognitive organization.) She is a California State certified therapist in pragmatic and social skills therapy. Ms. Bulka became a speech, language & audiology therapist over 25 years ago in San Francisco working with children on the autism spectrum. Her clients at The Talking Playhouse range from children to adults, starting at age four.


Ms. Bulka has been a student of the brain and neuroscience for the last 20 years and has integrated, practical methodologies into her practice that, with the diligence of practice do change behaviors which neuroscience says can change the brian. After working in Silicon Valley's tech industry with engineers as a producer and corporate media trainer, Ms. Bulka returned to the field to specialize in social cognitive therapy convinced from fMRIs and other neuroscience based research that the antidotes for changing social behavior lie in a linguistic paradigm. The foundations for decreasing social challenges start with language; the language can change the behavior. The roots of all social progress start with verbal or nonverbal language--of which Ms. Bulka is an expert in.


Past experience includes: Peninsula Associates, the Morgan Center for Autism and the San Carlos School District, including the special day class for preschoolers with moderate to severe social pragmatic and communication issues. Ms. Bulka was a volunteer for the NLD Association (Nonverbal Learning Disorder) before it disbanded in California. She is a big fan of Michelle Garcia Winner’s approach to working with ‘Social Thinking’ and Dr. Barry Prizant who co-authored and co-developed the SCERTS program (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation and Transactional Support.



Memberships (current or past) include The Autism Society of America, Parents Helping Parents (PHP), California Speech & Hearing Association (CSHA) & San Mateo Speech & Language Association (SMCSLHA.) Volunteer and philanthropic endeavors have included Meals on Wheels, Biz World, Save The Children, and Unicef among others. Currently, Ms. Bulka lives in the Bay Area with her family and enjoys hanging out with her 12 year old son and doggie "Uncle Albert," or eating at her favorite restaurant, Howie's Artisan Pizza and playing tennis when not working with groups at the Playhouse.


* The Talking Playhouse is NOT Lindamood-Bell(r) Learning Processes nor is it affiliated with, certified, endorsed, licensed, monitored  or sponsored by Lindamood-Bell, Nanci Bell, Phyllis Lindamood or Pat Lindamood. Lindamood-Bell - an international organization creating and implementing unique instructional methods and programs for quality intervention to advance language and literacy skills -in no way endorses or monitors the services provided by The Talking Playhouse.

Social Anxiety Coach, Social Skills, Ex Function, Redwood City

The Talking Playhouse

156 Elwood Street, Casita, Redwood City, Ca 94062 Near Sequoia High School & Old Navy

© 2017 talkingplayhouse,    All rights reserved.

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